Opens, click-throughs, and conversion rates for email marketing are at an all-time low. Spammers really have ruined a good thing. Unless you have an existing relationship with your email recipient, good luck getting email marketing to work.
But there is a better way.
Even though we specialize in direct mail, we often recommend clients augment their direct marketing efforts with email.
Our way is to use email marketing as a follow-up to direct mail.
We can improve your response rates with a coordinated system that tracks your letter through the postal system – so you know when your prospect has received it.
Then, right on cue, we can have a follow-up email triggered and sent to your prospect for you.
This one-two punch is a powerful method of enhancing the effectiveness of direct mail while taking advantage of the urgency of email.
Timing is critical to the success of any follow-up marketing. We make it easy for you to reach out to your prospects at the right time. You can remind them of your offer, reinforce your benefits, countdown your deadline, and even sweeten the deal with additional offers and guarantees if you’d like.
Depending on your desired call to action for your prospect, your email can include a link that sends your prospect to an Internet landing page.
We can personalize the landing page for each prospect for you. You can have the response forms on your page pre-populated with the prospect’s information. Often, all they have to do to respond to your offer is hit the “submit” button.
You can link content downloads, social media, videos, and other resources to motivate prospects to become your customers.
And you don’t have to worry about how the page will look on different devices. Our system optimizes your page to fit on mobile, tablets, and web pages.
When your prospect responds to your landing page, they will receive a follow-up “thank you” email – and you’ll receive a notification email. All this happens in real time.
Best of all, Andrick & Associates can coordinate it all for you . . . the right piece, with the right message, delivered at the right time – all for your best results.